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7 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe


memory types

          There are different classifications of memory in cognitive neuroscience,traditional term. Traditional terms are immediate memory,short-term memory,long-term memory and motor memory.There are four types of memory in cognitive neuroscience too,which are working memory,episodic memory,semantic memory and procedural memory.I will summarize memory types as clinical neurologist inspired by the book Bradley.

           1 stage: Immediate (Working)  Memory
            It is about conscious awareness.The true capacity of working memory is 5-9 meaningful items.Without rehearsal the items lost in 18-20 seconds.Relaying primarily on prefrontal brain regions,working memory decline with normal aging.It is effected of the damage of superior frontal neocortex Broadman area 8/9 and left frontal lobe.Example;when we see a phone number,we can call it but after the call end,we start to forget the numbers.
           2 Stage: Short-term (Recent Episodic) (Recent) Memory
            It means the ability to encode and retrieve items such as words, events after a delay of minutes,hours.The function of hippocampus and parahippocampal areas of the medial temporal lobe work for it. Amygdala is not in recent episodic memory but important for the encoding of emotional or social context to the medial temporal cortex.The retrieval of the data from recent memory is about interaction between prefrontal regions and temporal lobe.
            3 Stage: Remote (Long-Term) Memory 
            It works by retrieving the events,words,items after weeks,months or years.The data which we learn goes to consolidation process with snaps ans systems.Consolidation with synapse is about long term potentiation and protein synthesis in the first few hours of learning in the hippocampus.Consolidation on a systematically level is over long periods of time.It is about hippocampal dependent memory representations which are stored in the neocortex.

           4  Semantic Memory

            It's about meanings of the words, unterstanding and interpreting items, conseptial datas about the world. For example it is the knowledge of the famous people, wars, political leaders. It depends on the personal long term memory. Semantic memory resides different cortical regions. Visual memeory is in the visual cortex, auditory memory is int the temporal cortex, meanings of words is left temporal cortex etc.


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