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10 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

How we perceive the shapes? How we read?


         My 20 months old son love the shapes. He can get excited for the shape of nightstands handle or a plate. Nowadays the letters are our new love. We sing all the day the song of shapes and letters. He can recognise the shapes by itself and but he can't read the letter rightly. He knows letter's name by heart, perceives it to be letter but can't call it correct. He has not a visual perception of letters as much as geometrical shapes. So why? He grows very fast up, his brain too. Every skill is loading separately him with his development. What is the differences between shapes and letters for his brain? Because the different parts of neurons run if he see a geometrical shape or letter to define it. Actually we read the letter which we’ve seen. Reading is more complicated for our brain. 

         When we look at a object, the form of the shape is copied to retina in our eyes. So the visual pathway carry the stimulus to the visual cortex. Visual cortex is at the back of the skull and 17-18-19. areas in the Broadman map. It define the color, size, dimension, motion and brightness and creates visual memory. Let’s talk about the amusing and famous right brain! It recognises geometrical shapes, objects, spatial forms. Painting, design, color and such entertaining things are its job. It can make 3 d design from 2 d. The brain use like a computer the angles, lines, edges while processing. The denomination is learned on our own language. 
      The brain have to start a different procedure by reading. Visual cortex (on the back of the skull) see the letter, recognise it and send the database to the left (most of us dominant side ) peri sylvian area. Specially the left angular gyrus is important for perceiving the symbol of letter and word form. It translate the writing to speaking and reverse. The left inferooccipitotemporal area works by reading. This region is above the intersection point between the line from top of ear and  the temporal region. After that the frontal region works while reading. The huge part of brain!!! My toddler need more time for this skill. But it should not be confused with dyslexia. Aleksi means a problem in this pathway, so a person cannot read even though it is able to read. 

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